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E-Filing Forms with DOL FLAG
E-Filing Forms with DOL FLAG

In Docketwise, electronically filing the ETA-9141 forms with DOL FLAG is easier than ever!

Updated over 2 weeks ago


In Docketwise, you can take advantage of our Smart Forms to electronically file forms on the DOL FLAG platform, making it more efficient than ever.

Once the information has been entered into Docketwise, a new Application will be created on your synced DOL FLAG with all of the information provided with just a few clicks!


  • The e-Filing feature is only available on Pro and Advanced subscription plans.

  • Forms that can currently be filed with DOL FLAG on Docketwise are:

    • ETA-9141

    • ETA-9035/9035E


Getting Started

If it is your first time e-filing with DOL FLAG via Docketwise, there are a couple of things you'll want to keep in mind:

  • The e-Filing feature is only available on Pro and Advanced subscription plans.

  • You will need a account to e-file and access the DOL FLAG platform.

  • When e-filing with DOL FLAG on Docketwise for first time, you will need to add an Authentication app in order to obtain a new OTP code to successfully sync the applications.

FLAG Account Setup

In order to e-file forms on the DOL FLAG platform, you will also need to have an account created on If you do not yet have a account, you can follow DOL's guide here to get started.

Activating the FLAG Authentication App

If the field for Flag.dol OTP Secret secret is blank or needs to be updated, you will need to set up the FLAG Authentication app with Docketwise.

Please note that only allows for a maximum 2 Authentication apps at a time. If you already have 2 Authentication apps, you will need to delete one of them.

To learn more about setting up the Authentication app with Docketwise, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Click the + Add app button.

  3. Copy the OTP Secret (below the QR code) from the the authentication app setup page (this will be used in Docketwise for e-filing).

  4. In Docketwise, paste the code from into the Flag.dol OTP Secret field

  5. After pasting the code, click the clicking here link to retrieve the one time code.

  6. Paste this one time code into under the Enter the temporary code from your app and complete the Add an authentication workflow. Please note that these steps must be completed in order for e-filing to function.

  7. Once this is complete, you may e-file your form with DOL FLAG.

E-Filing the ETA-9141

Create Forms and Complete Questionnaire

To get started, you will need to choose the ETA-9141 from under the E-file Smart Forms section in the Add Forms list and assign the form and form. Once that step is completed, you can click the Save & Proceed button to finish creating the forms.

After you have created the form, you can add information directly to the questionnaire and also invite the parties involved to complete the electronic questionnaire to gather all of the necessary information.

You can click here for a refresher on smart form invitations and here to learn more about the questionnaire in the intake tab.

Note: The DOL FLAG platform doesn't have comprehensive validations for the mandatory fields required to complete your application. So, please make sure that all content is complete within the Intake, as Docketwise cannot update an e-filing draft once it has been submitted.

ETA-9141 e-Filing

In order to electronically file the ETA-9141, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Open the ETA-9141 Form that you would like to e-file

  2. Click the eFile this form on button

  3. Enter the password associated with your credentials

  4. In Docketwise: Click the Sync button

After this step, Docketwise will attempt to create a new ETA-9141 on your FLAG account.

If the e-filing is unsuccessful, you will be notified via an in-app notification. If this happens, please verify the credentials entered on previous step.

If the e-filing is successful, you will be notified via an in-app notification.

Once this is done, you can access the draft of this filing under Cases. To review, edit, and complete the filing, simply click the Edit button for the ETA-9141 that you would like to continue filing.

E-Filing the ETA-9035/9035E

Part 0: Create Form and Complete Questionnaire

To get started, you will need to choose the ETA-9141 from under the E-file Smart Forms section in the Add Forms list and assign the form and form. Once that step is completed, you can click the Save & Proceed button to finish creating the forms.

After you have created the form, you can add information directly to the questionnaire and also invite the parties involved to complete the electronic questionnaire to gather all of the necessary information.

You can click here for a refresher on smart form invitations and here to learn more about the questionnaire in the intake tab.

Note: The workflow for adding a PWD from DOL issued after filing the ETA-9141 is not supported in the current version of beta but will be added shortly.

Part 1: ETA-9035/9035E e-Filing Start

Start e-Filing

In this first step, you will need to click the eFile this form on button to get started. After you click this button, Docketwise automatically validates whether or not the questionnaire is filled out correctly (according to FLAG's conventions) so it can be e-filed. successfully.

If the Initial Validation Passes

If the initial validation passes, you can start e-filing the form by following the actions shown in Step 3: ETA-9035/9035E e-Filing Status.

If the Initial Validation Fails

If the initial validation fails, you will receive an error message, showing you a list of errors that need to be fixed in order to e-file the form. See Step 2: ETA-9035/9035E Validation for more information.

Part 2: ETA-9035/9035E Validation

Addressing Validation Errors

In this second step, you will need to fix any validation errors that are presented in the e-File tab of the smart form. All of the errors are summarized in the e-File tab and you can navigate directly to each question using the associated link, as shown below:

Each question that needs to be addressed will also be highlighted and include an explanation of the error related to the questionnaire's response.


Once you have addressed the validation errors presented in the e-File tab, have Docketwise re-validate whether or not the questionnaire is filled out correctly by clicking the Re-Validate button.

If the Validation Passes

If the validation passes, you will see a success message letting you know that your form is ready to be e-filed and you can proceed to e-filing the form by following the actions shown in Step 3: Principal Form e-Filing Status.

If the Validation Fails

If the validation fails, you will have to need to address any outstanding validation error shown in the e-File tab. See Addressing Validation Errors for more information.

Part 3: ETA-9035/9035E e-Filing Status

Once your form no longer has any validation errors, you can click the eFile this form on button e-file the form.

Entering Information to Sync to

In order to sync the e-filing to your account, you will need to provide:

  1. The email address related to your account

  2. online account password

  3. The OTP secret for your account (see Activating the FLAG Authentication App for more information)

After you have entered all of the necessary information into the modal and clicked the Sync button to start syncing your e-filing, you will receive a prompt letting you know that your form is successfully queued to be e-filed.

If the e-filing is unsuccessful, you will be notified via an in-app notification. If this happens, please verify the credentials entered on previous step.

If the e-filing is successful, you will be notified via an in-app notification.

Once this is done, you can access the draft of this filing under Cases. To review, edit, and complete the filing, simply click the Edit button for the ETA-9141 that you would like to continue filing.

If any other errors occur, please contact us at for additional help.

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