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Inviting Contacts to Smart Forms
Inviting Contacts to Smart Forms

Invite your contacts to a secure questionnaire can complete their forms by answering simple questions

Updated over 9 months ago

In Docketwise, sharing your Smart Forms (for immigration forms, custom intakes, and contact questionnaires) with your clients is quick, easy, and secure.

You can invite your clients to Smart Forms by email/text message invitation, a shareable link, or via the Client Portal.

In these invitations, you are also able to set permissions so that invitees only see the tabs of the Smart Form Questionnaire that you want them to see (with the exception of our Green Card Smart Form) and include customized messages.

Additionally, you are able to track the status of invitations to see if the it has been accepted, started, and sent back to you for review.


Sending an Invitation

After you send an invitation, your client will be granted secure access to complete their Smart Form Questionnaire.

You can invite your clients to Smart Forms by:

  • Email invitation

  • Text message invitation

  • A shareable link

  • Via the Client Portal

If you share via an email or text message invitation, your client will receive a link to access their questionnaire. If the invitation is sent by email, the email will appear to come from your email address and will reply to your email address.

From the Forms Index

In order to send an invitation from the Forms index, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Smart forms Index or from within the Forms Tab of the related Contact/Matter or the Forms Dashboard to locate the form to which you would like to invite your client

  2. After locating the form, click the value under the Invites column (this will show Send Invite if no invitations have been sent)

  3. Click the Invite a Contact button

  4. Choose the Contact to invite

  5. Indicate how you would like the invitation to be sent

  6. Select the language in which you want your client to receive the questionnaire

  7. If you wish to limit which tabs are seen, check the box for Customize Invitation and Access and indicate which tabs to show/hide

  8. If you wish to customize the message in the invitation, check the box for Customize Invitation and Access and enter your customized message

  9. Click the Invite (or Generate Invite Link) button

From within a Smart Form

Via the Invite Tab

In order to invite a contact that is included in the smart form, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the ✉️ Invite tab

  2. Click Invite next to included contact that you wish to invite to collaborate on the intake

  3. Select the method of how you would like to send the invitation (email, text, client portal, or a shareable link)

  4. Select a language if you want to send a pre-translated intake to your client.

  5. Check the box to Customize Invitation and Access (if you wish to customize the message or to customize their access when sending out the invitation)

    1. Enter a custom message if you wish to do so

    2. Uncheck the boxes for the tabs of the intake that you wish to NOT share

  6. Click the Invite button

In order to invite a contact that is not included in the smart form, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the ✉️ Invite tab

  2. Click the Invite Someone Else button

  3. Search for and select the contact that you wish to invite

  4. Select the method of how you would like to send the invitation (email, text, client portal, or a shareable link)

  5. Check the box to Customize Invitation and Access (if you wish to customize the message or to customize their access when sending out the invitation)

    1. Enter a custom message if you wish to do so

    2. Uncheck the boxes for the tabs of the intake that you wish to NOT share

  6. Click the Invite button

Via More Actions

In order to send an invitation from within the Smart Form, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Open up the Smart Form for which you would like to invite your client

  2. Click the More Actions button in the top-right portion of the page

  3. Select the Share option

  4. Choose the Contact to invite

  5. Indicate how you would like the invitation to be sent

  6. Select the language in which you want your client to receive the questionnaire

  7. If you wish to limit which tabs are seen, check the box for Customize Invitation and Access and indicate which tabs to show/hide

  8. If you wish to customize the message in the invitation, check the box for Customize Invitation and Access and enter your customized message

  9. Click the Invite (or Generate Invite Link) button

Selecting the Intake Language

When sending an invitation, you can easily select the language in which the questionnaire will be displayed for your client.

Currently, questionnaires can be translated into the following languages:

  1. English

  2. Spanish - En Español

  3. Portuguese - Em Português

  4. French - En Français

  5. Hindi - हिंदी में

  6. Russian - По русски

  7. Chinese (Mandarin) - 用中文 表达

  8. Korean - 한국어로

  9. Turkish - Türkçe olarak

  10. Haitian Creole - An kreyòl ayisyen

  11. Arabic - بالعربية

  12. Vietnamese - TIẾNG VIỆT


  • Invitees may still change the language of their questionnaire after the invitation has been sent. Click here to learn more.

  • Translating the questionnaire language via the more actions/ellipsis option from within the Smart Form will not affect the language of the invitation.

  • If a subsequent invite is sent to the same contact's client portal, the intake will be displayed in the language of the most recent invitation by default.

Invitation Permissions

When inviting a client to a Smart Form Questionnaire, you are able to customize the access of the invitation, in essence allowing access to only certain tabs.

When inviting a client to fill out their Smart Form Questionnaire, are able to limit the tabs that are seen by selecting the option to Customize Invitations and Access and checking only the tabs that you wish to be shared.

Customizing Invitation Messages

You can customize the message in your invitations, whether by email or text message. When you're sending an invitation, click the checkbox for Customize Invitation and Access and type your customized message.

Once delivered, your invitation will reflect the customized message that was entered.

Tracking Invitations

You can keep track of your invitations from the Invite column on your Forms index or Forms Dashboard or from within a smart form under the Invite tab.

To view the invitations that have been sent for a specific form from the forms index, you will need to click on the value under the Invites column.

To view the invitations that have been sent for a specific form from within a smart form, simply select the Invite tab.

Here, you will be able to see:

  • The Contact that was invited

  • The email/mobile number of the contact invited

  • The status of the invitation and when this status was reached

In addition, you will also have the options here to resend an invitation, copy a previously sent invitation link, or invite a new contact.

The different statuses include:

  • Sent: The invitation has been sent to your client.

  • Accepted: Your client has clicked on the invitation and accessed your form.

  • Returned for Review: Your client has completed the form and submitted it to you for review.

Note: If the contact is invited via the client portal, the Status will reflect as Shared to portal and will not update henceforth.

Rescinding/Revoking Invitations

Invitations sent to clients can be revoked/rescinded from either the Invite tab within a smart form or from the Smart Forms index (as seen below).

From either of these views, simply select the Revoke option and the intake will no longer be able to be accessed via that specific invitation.

Note: Smart forms shared via the client portal should be un-shared from the client portal to revoke rescind invitations. Click here to learn more.

Invitation Settings

Docketwise allows you to customize your firm's invitation settings for future invitations to your clients via email or text message.

You can do so by navigating to Settings > Invitation Settings. Here, you'll be able to:

  • Mark the first checkbox in order to prevent the contact you shared the form with to add comments on questions.

  • Mark the second checkbox to set a default message for when you send out an email invitation.

  • Mark the third checkbox to set a default message for when you send out a text message invitation.

After making any updates within the invitation settings, make sure to click the Save Changes button.

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