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Smart Forms Version 3 with Packet Assembly, Custom Questions, and Templated Intakes
Smart Forms Version 3 with Packet Assembly, Custom Questions, and Templated Intakes

Learn more about Smart Forms Version 3 with Packet Assembly, Custom Questions, and Templated Intakes

Updated over 6 months ago


With Smart Forms Version 3, you are able to collaborate on the electronic questionnaire with your clients to gather all the necessary information to complete and fill in the associated forms.

Here, we will go over all of the functionality of Smart Forms 3 along with upgrades such as Packet Assembly, Custom Questions (including document requests), and Templated Intakes.

Note: The Family Green Card Smart Form is not currently supported by Smart Forms Version 3 and will continue to operate with the previous display of Smart Forms Version 2.


⚙️ Assemble

The Assemble tab is essentially where the forms and/or the packet are assembled and is also where you will need to start when creating a new smart form.

Below, we will cover some of the functionality and what you can do in the Assemble tab:

Note: If you are new to Docketwise and have not yet created a form, simply click the Create New ▼ button from the Dashboard and select the Forms option to get started!

Assigning the Smart Form

Generally, the assigning of the smart form is done when creating a new smart form, but the associated Contact, Matter, and Preparer can be updated at a later point as well.

Contact: Choose the Contact that you wish to associate with these forms

Matter: Choose the Matter that you wish to associate with these forms (optional)

Preparer: Choose a preparer (note: this should be the attorney/preparer signing the forms)

Adding Forms

All of the forms you need can easily be added when first creating a new smart form or at a later point in the preparation if any additional forms need to be included.

You can either add the forms you need individually, add a smart form collection, or add a smart form template.

In order to add forms to your smart form, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the form's ⚙️ Assemble tab

  2. Search for and select the form(s), smart form collection, or smart form template you wish to add

Note: If you are using a smart form collection or smart form template, you may still add additional forms when necessary.

Assigning Form Roles

In order to assign contacts to roles for each form, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the form's 1. Assemble tab

  2. Search for and select the desired contact under the Beneficiary/Petitioner role

If you wish to assign a contact as the Beneficiary/Petitioner of all forms included, you can simply click the Apply to all Forms option below their name once assigned.

Note: For purposes of assigning a G-28, you will want to indicate the party being represented as the form's "Beneficiary".

Adding Files

In order to include Files with your Smart Form Packet, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the form's ⚙️ Assemble tab

  2. Search for the file by the associated contact's name or by the file name

  3. Select the file(s) you wish to include

Note: If a file added is password protected, it will not be able to be included in the downloaded packet.

Changing the Order of Forms and Files

  1. Navigate to the form's 1. Assemble tab

  2. Drag and drop the form/file in the desired order by using the ✥ icon

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Note: You can click the ╬ icon on forms included to shrink the display and the icon to expand the display for the forms.

Adding a Table of Contents

With the automatically generated table of contents, a table of contents page will be added at the beginning of the smart form packet, listing all included forms and documents, as well as the corresponding page numbers.

In order to enable the table of contents, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the form's 1. Assemble tab

  2. Check the box for Include Table of Contents

Renaming the Forms and Files

If you wish to rename the titles of the forms and/or files included in the smart form package's table of contents, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the form's 1. Assemble tab

  2. Click the ✏️ symbol for the form/file that you would like to rename

  3. Enter the new desired title for the form/file

  4. Hit Enter/Return on the keyboard or click out

Note: You can click the ╬ icon on the forms included to shrink the display and the icon to expand the display for the forms.

✉️ Invite

The Invite tab is where you can send and monitor your invitations to your clients to collaborate on the intake.

Below, we will cover some of the functionality and what you can do in the Invite tab:

Inviting an Included Contact

In order to invite a contact that is included in the smart form, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the ✉️ Invite tab

  2. Click Invite next to included contact that you wish to invite to collaborate on the intake

  3. Select the method of how you would like to send the invitation (email, text, client portal, or a shareable link)

  4. Select a language if you want to send a pre-translated intake to your client.

  5. Check the box to Customize Invitation and Access (if you wish to customize the message or to customize their access when sending out the invitation)

    1. Enter a custom message if you wish to do so

    2. Uncheck the boxes for the tabs of the intake that you wish to NOT share

  6. Click the Invite button

Inviting Another Contact

In order to invite a contact that is not included in the smart form, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the ✉️ Invite tab

  2. Click the Invite Someone Else button

  3. Search for and select the contact that you wish to invite

  4. Select the method of how you would like to send the invitation (email, text, client portal, or a shareable link)

  5. Check the box to Customize Invitation and Access (if you wish to customize the message or to customize their access when sending out the invitation)

    1. Enter a custom message if you wish to do so

    2. Uncheck the boxes for the tabs of the intake that you wish to NOT share

  6. Click the Invite button

Reviewing the Invitation Status

Once an invitation is sent, the invited contact will be displayed along with their email/phone number that was used for the invitation, the status of the invitation, and the date in which the invitation entered said status.

The 3 possible invitation statuses are as follows:

  • Sent: The invitation has been sent out to the contact

  • Accepted: The contact has opened the intake from the invitation

  • Returner for Review: The contact has clicked the final button at the end of the intake to submit it for review

Resending an Invitation

In order to resend an invitation to the smart form intake, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the ✉️ Invite tab

  2. Click on the Resend button next to the contact to whom you wish to resend the invitation

Revoking an Invitation

In order to revoke an invitation that has been sent, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the ✉️ Invite tab

  2. Select the Revoke option for the invitation you wish to revoke.

Once the invitation is revoked, the intake will no longer be able to be accessed via that specific invitation.

Note: Smart forms shared via the client portal should be un-shared from the client portal to revoke rescind invitations. Click here to learn more.

💬 Intake

The Intake tab is the questionnaire portion of the smart form, from which the information provided will populate the actual forms included.

Below, we will cover some of the functionality and what you can do in the Intake tab:

Hiding Questions

If you need to hide any questions that you don't want your client or the invitee to see in the intake, you can simply mark these questions as hidden.

In order to hide a question on the smart form's intake, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the 💬 Intake tab

  2. Locate the question that you would like to flag

  3. Click on the 👁 symbol for the question

Note: The eye symbol will turn blue when the question is hidden.

Flagging Questions

In case you need to bring extra attention to a particular question or particular questions, you can simply flag the question on the intake.

In order to flag a question on the smart form's intake, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the 💬 Intake tab

  2. Locate the question that you would like to flag

  3. Click on the 🚩 flag symbol for the question

Note: The flag symbol will turn red when the question is flagged.

Commenting on Questions

In case you need to clarify a certain question, ask other specific details, or need to ask your client about a specific answer provided, you can simply comment on the question on the intake.

In order to comment on a question on the smart form's intake, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the 💬 Intake tab

  2. Locate the question on which you wish to leave a comment

  3. Click on the 💬 comment symbol for the question

  4. Enter your comment for the specific question

  5. Click Submit or hit Enter/Return on your keyboard

Note: You can also mention your contact using the @ symbol; when this option is used, it will also send an invitation to access the intake.

Translating the Intake

In case you or firm members need to view the intake questionnaire in another language, you can translate your intake.

In order to translate in intake, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the 💬 Intake tab

  2. Click the ⚙️ Gear icon in the upper-righthand corner

  3. Select Translate

  4. Select the language into which you would like the intake to be translated

There are currently 11 total language options, which are:

  1. English

  2. Spanish - En Español

  3. Portuguese - Em Português

  4. French - En Français

  5. Hindi - हिंदी में

  6. Russian - По русски

  7. Chinese (Mandarin) - 用中文 表达

  8. Korean - 한국어로

  9. Turkish - Türkçe olarak

  10. Haitian Creole - An kreyòl ayisyen

  11. Arabic - بالعربية

  12. Vietnamese - TIẾNG VIỆT

Note: The invited contacts will see the intake in whichever language was selected at the time of sending the invitation. However, invited contacts can also translate the Intake (click here to learn more).

Searching Questions

In case you need to quickly locate a question, you can use the search function in the intake.

To use the search function, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the 💬 Intake tab

  2. Click the 🔍 Search questions option

  3. Enter a keyword or phrase in the space available

Sharing the Completed Forms and/or Packet

Whether you are looking to share completed forms, the entire completed packet, or just parts of it, you can do so via the Share Documents option.

In order to share the smart form packet, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the 💬 Intake tab (or 📄 Review tab)

  2. Click the ⚙️ Gear icon in the upper-righthand corner

  3. Select Share Documents

  4. Select the contact with whom you will be sharing the documents

  5. Uncheck the boxes for the parts that you wish NOT to be shared

  6. Click the Share button

Note: If you wish to send the documents as an editable PDF, you can check the box to do so before sharing.

Adding a Custom Tab

Custom tabs can be added to a smart form intake to accommodate any custom questions that you would like to add (including document requests and custom attributes).

In order to create a custom tab, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the 💬 Intake tab

  2. Click on ➕ Add Other Requests Tab under the individual for whom you are adding the tab

  3. Click on the title and designate a name for your custom tab (a new/blank tab will be named Other Requests by default)


  • Tab names must be unique and cannot be duplicated.

  • A tab must be named in order to add or import custom questions.

  • Custom tabs are not available for the Family Green Card Smart Form

  • For custom intakes, custom tabs and questions must be added from within the custom intake settings (click here to learn more)

Adding Custom Questions

Custom questions can be added to a smart form intake to gather any additional details that may be desired (including document requests). Additionally, responses to these questions may be saved to custom attributes.

The following question types can be used:

  • Text

  • Number

  • Date

  • Boolean (yes/no or true/false)

  • List

  • Expiry Date

  • Document Request

In order to add a question, you will need to follow the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to the 💬 Intake tab

  2. Open the custom tab where you would like to add the question or add a new custom tab

  3. Click on the New Question + button

  4. If you would like to save the question to a custom attribute, check the box next to Save to custom attribute

    1. If you would like to save it to a new custom attribute, select the + Create New option from the list

    2. If you would like to save it to a custom attribute that already exists, select that option from the list (only custom attributes that are not already associated with a question may be selected; if the custom attribute that you would like to use is already associated with a question, it may be imported)

  5. Type out your question in the Question box

  6. Select the type of question

  7. Click the Save button

Importing Custom Questions

Any custom question that has been previously added will be added to the custom question library. In case you need to reuse any custom question, it can be easily imported into any other smart form intake.

In order to import a custom question, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the 💬 Intake tab

  2. Open the custom tab where you would like to add the question or add a new custom tab

  3. Click on the Import Question ☁️ option

  4. Click on the Import button for all of the questions that you would like to import

  5. Close the Import Custom Question modal

Saving a Smart Form Intake Template

Smart Form Intakes/questionnaires can be saved as templates, so that the questions being used and the question settings may be reused to assist in preparing subsequent forms. A smart form template contains all of the following:

  • Included Forms and Related Questions

  • Custom Tabs and Questions

  • Question Settings:

    • Question Hides

    • Question Flags

    • Question Comments

Once you have set up the intake with all of the questions and question settings, you can save it as a smart form template by following the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the 💬 Intake tab

  2. Click the ⚙️ Gear icon in the upper-righthand corner

  3. Select Save as Template

  4. Enter a Template Name

  5. Select a Custom Role for each individual included (new custom roles may also be added)


  • Question comments from invitees/clients will not be saved to the template.

  • Question comments using the mention/tagging feature will not be saved to the template.

  • If you wish to overwrite a smart form template, you must first delete the existing smart form template with this name under Settings > Smart Form Collections.

  • Each custom role may only be used once within the same smart form template.

📄 Review

The Review tab is where you are able to review, download, and print your forms and packet.

Below, we will cover some of the functionality and what you can do in the Review tab:

Navigating the Forms, Addenda, and Files

In order to navigate the forms, addenda, and files included in your smart form packet, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the 📄 Review tab

  2. Click on the ▼ Switch Forms & Addenda option

  3. Click on the dropdown menu

  4. Choose the form/addendum/file that you wish to navigate to

Smart Form Sync

Smart form sync is enabled by default on smart forms and is what makes the information entered into the 💬 Intake tab populate into the forms that appear in the 📄 Review tab.

When smart form sync is turned off or disabled, this sync between the 💬 Intake and 📄 Review tab will no longer be active; additionally, information may be entered anywhere directly into the forms in the 📄 Review tab.

If smart form sync is re-enabled after being disabled, all information entered directly in the forms while the sync was disabled will be lost and the sync between the 💬 Intake and 📄 Review tab will once again be active.

In order to disable the smart form sync, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the 📄 Review tab

  2. Click on the slider bar for Form Sync to toggle it to deactivate

Downloading the Entire Packet

In order to download the entire smart form packet as one PDF document, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the 📄 Review tab

  2. Click on the 🖨️ icon in the upper-righthand corner

Downloading a Single Form/File

In order to download a singular form, addendum, or file from the smart form packet, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the 📄 Review tab

  2. Navigate to the form, addendum, or file that you wish to download (see here for more info)

  3. Click the 🖨️ icon in the black bar across the top of the form

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