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Global Invoice Settings

Customize your firm's default invoice settings

Updated over 9 months ago


You can customize the default invoice settings for every invoice created by your firm by navigating to Settings > Invoice settings. Here, you are able to:

Create saved charges

In Docketwise, you can easily save commonly-used flat rate charges that can then be imported into an invoice with just the click of a button!

To create a new Saved Charge, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Create Saved Charges button

  2. Click the + New Saved Charges button

  3. Enter the Description and Amount for the charge

  4. Indicate whether this charge is a Service or Expense

  5. Click the Save Charge button

To learn more about importing saved charges into an invoice, you can click here.

Set up global invoice numbering

Global invoice numbering enabled

When enabled, global invoice numbering will cause the invoice number to increment on each subsequent invoice across all of the account's invoices.

To enable global invoice numbering, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Check the box next to Global invoice numbering

  2. If you would like to choose a number from which to increment, enter the number value under Incrementing up from

  3. Click the Save Changes button

Note: Enabling this will not update invoice that have already been created prior.

Global invoice numbering disabled

When disabled, invoice numbering will increment on a per-client basis.

To disable global invoice numbering, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Uncheck the box next to Global invoice numbering

  2. Click the Save Changes button

Set up automatic late fees

In order to set up automatic late fees for your firm's default invoice settings, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Check the box for the Include Automatic Late Fees & Interest option

  2. Choose whether the late fee will be a Fixed Fee or Percent Interest

  3. Enter the numeric value for the fixed fee or percent interest

  4. If you would like to add add automatic recurring late fees, you will need to follow the steps below:

    1. Activate the slider bar for the Recurring Late Fee option

    2. Enter the frequency in days for which additional late fees will be added

    3. Click the Save Changes button

Customize your invoice display

Include an invoice footer

To enable and set a default footer for your invoices, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Check the box next to Include invoice footer

  2. Enter the text that you would like to appear as your invoice footer

  3. Click the Save Changes button

Set an invoice color scheme

To select your account's invoice color scheme, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Select your preferred color

  2. Click the Save Changes button

These color scheme will be applied to:

  • The Business' name

  • The Matter associated

  • The Outstanding Balance

Include your firm's logo

If you have not already uploaded your logo, you will need to upload this first under Settings > Logo

Once your have uploaded your logo, you will need to follow the steps below for it to appear on your invoices:

  1. Check the box next to Include firm logo

  2. Click the Save Changes button

Hide your email/phone number/address address in the invoice header

To hide your email/phone number/address address in the invoice header, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Depending on which fields you wish to hide, check the boxes next to:

    1. Exclude email in the invoice header

    2. Exclude phone in the invoice header

    3. Exclude address in the invoice header

  2. Click the Save Changes button

Show Invoice ID on invoices

If you want to show the invoice ID on all invoices, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Check the box for Show invoice ID on invoices

  2. Click the Save Changes button

To hide the invoice ID on all invoices, simply uncheck the box for this option.

You can also search for invoices based on invoice ID from the invoice index in Docketwise, making it even easier to locate client invoices.

Show payment description on invoices

If you want to show the payment description for payments on all invoices, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Check the box for Show invoice ID on invoices

  2. Click the Save Changes button

To hide the payment description for payments on all invoices, simply uncheck the box for this option.

Configure invoice reminder frequency

In Docketwise, you are able to set invoice reminders, which will send your client a reminder and copy of the invoice until the outstanding balance is paid.

To configure the default invoice reminder frequency, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Check the box next to Send invoice reminders

  2. Enter the frequency (in days) for how often you would like the reminders to be sent

  3. Click the Save Changes button

Configure automatic invoice due date

With automatic invoice due dates, you can choose to have the due date of all invoices created be the 15th of the month, the last day of the month, or whichever is closest at the time it is created.

To configure automatic invoice due dates, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Check the box next to Automatically set invoice due dates to the middle or end of the month

  2. Choose whether the due dates will be for:

    1. The 15th of the month

    2. The last day of the month

    3. The 15th or the last day of the month (whichever is sooner)

  3. Click the Save Changes button

Select a default preparer for invoices

In Docketwise, you are able to select a default invoice preparer, which will automatically be populated as the preparer of an invoice, unless otherwise specified when creating an invoice.

To select a default invoice preparer, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Choose the preparer under the option for Set a default preparer for your firm's invoices

  2. Click the Save Changes button

Enable automatic sending of receipts to clients that pay via the

If you have the LawPay integration activated, you are able to choose to automatically send receipts of payments made via the LawPay integration to the client.

To enable this option, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Check the box next to Automatically send clients a receipt when a payment is made via LawPay

  2. Click the Save Changes button

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