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HR Portal Reports
Updated over 9 months ago


With HR Portal Reports, you can run reports on foreign national employees and their related matters/cases!

Note: This article is intended for those logging into the HR Portal; if you are a Docketwise subscriber, you can click here to learn more about HR Portal Reports and HR Portal Report Settings.


πŸ“ˆ Types of HR Portal Reports

Currently, HR Portal Reports are available for the following data types:

  • Contacts/Employees

  • Matters

✏️ Editing an HR Portal Report

Custom reports can be edited and customized by:

  • Choosing the columns that will appear in the report

  • Applying specific filters

Continue reading below to learn more about these options.

Choosing Columns

In order to choose the columns included in your Custom Report, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Click the βš™οΈ Gear Icon

  2. Select any columns you would like to add from the Available Columns group

  3. Remove any columns you don't want from the Selected Columns group

  4. Order the available columns however you would like by dragging and dropping

  5. Click the Update button

Applying Filters

With advanced filtering, you can filter by any data field included in the report. You can use filters and filter groups to further customize your results.

Filters groups essentially act like parentheses in an equation.

To add a new filter group, simply start by clicking the + Add Filter button. After clicking on the + Add Filter button, you can select the data field by which you would like to filter.

You can also add a filter to a filter group by clicking on the βž• icon next to an existing filter.

Between each filter and filter group, an And/Or operator will need to be added. In order to change an operator, simply click on the operator and select whichever one you desire.


  • Operators inside of a group must all be the same and operators outside of the group must all be the same.

  • Filters for text fields are case-sensitive.

πŸ“₯ Downloading a Custom Report

In order to download a Custom Report, all you need to do is access the report you wish to download and click on the Export & Download button.

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