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User Permission Groups
User Permission Groups

Restrict your contacts' and matters' permissions

Updated over 9 months ago


In Docketwise, you can use User Groups to restrict your access to certain contacts and matters on your account as well as grant accounting note permissions.

For contact and matter permissions, only members within the group will be able to have permission to view the specific contact or matter (the administrator(s) on your Docketwise account are able to see all matters and contacts).

For accounting note permissions, only users that are in a user group with this option enabled may see these accounting notes.

In order to unlock this feature, you must be a Docketwise Advanced subscriber. If you would like to learn about the other features that you can unlock on a Docketwise Advanced subscription, you can click here.


Selecting Secondary Account Administrators

If you would like to give administrator permissions to a user on your account, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Access

  2. Click the pencil icon to the right of the user to whom you would like to grant administrator permissions

  3. Select the Administrator option under Permission Level

  4. Click the Save Changes button

Any user that is granted administrator permissions will have the same access and permissions as the primary account administrator (including assigning other administrators).

Setting Up and Editing User Groups

Permissions for contacts and matters can be restricted to only be accessed by users in a particular group. In order to set up user groups, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Groups

  2. Click the + New User Group button

  3. Enter the name of the user group

  4. Select the users that will belong to that particular user group

  5. Check the box for Can view, create, edit accounting notes (only if you want users in this user group to have access to accounting notes.

  6. Click the Create button

A user group may also be updated/edited at any time. In order to do so, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Groups

  2. Click the pencil icon to the right of the user group you would like to edit

  3. Make any desired changes to the group's name or users/members

  4. Click the Update button

Restricting Permissions for Contacts

By default, a contact's permissions are set to public. In order to restrict a contact's permissions to a particular group or groups, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the specific contact's overview page

  2. Select the pencil icon to edit the contact's permissions

  3. Choose Private as the permission setting

  4. Indicate which group(s) will have permission/access to this particular client

  5. Click the Update button

Note: When setting a contact's permissions to a particular group or groups, the matters associated with also reflect those indicated settings. The permission settings for a contact will also take precedent over the permissions indicated for a matter.

Restricting Permissions for Matters

By default, a matter's permissions are set to public (unless the contact's permissions were already set). In order to restrict a matter's permissions to a particular group or groups, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the specific matters's overview page

  2. Select the pencil icon to edit the contact's permissions

  3. Choose Private as the permission setting

  4. Indicate which group(s) will have permission/access to this particular matter

  5. Click the Update button

Note: The permission settings for a contact will take precedence over the permissions indicated for a matter. If a contact's permission settings are updated after the matter's, the value indicated for the contact will also be reflected for all of the contact's matters unless indicated otherwise thereafter.

Accounting Notes

Accounting notes allow users with this permission to create, edit, and view accounting notes for individual invoices. In order to create, edit, and view accounting notes, a user must belong to a user group with these permissions enabled. Click here to learn more about setting up and editing user groups.

In order to create, edit, and view an accounting note for an invoice, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Invoices index

  2. Locate the invoice for which you would like to create, edit, and view the accounting note

  3. Click on the symbol for on the right-hand side of the row for this invoice

  4. Select the View/Edit Accounting Note option

  5. Enter any content for the note

  6. Click the:

    1. Cancel button if you do not wish to make any changes

    2. Create button if you wish to save your edits to a new note

    3. Update button if you wish to save your edits to an existing note

Additionally, you can see in the Invoice index if an invoice has an existing accounting note by enabling the column for Accounting Note.

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