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Managing Users

Add, remove and manage permissions for users on your account

Updated over 4 months ago


Docketwise Account Owners/Admins can manage and update the various other users on their account. In order to manage the users on your account, you will need to navigate to Settings > User Access.

From here you are able to manage the following:

Adding Users

In order to add a user to your account, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Access

  2. Click the + New Firm Member Button

  3. Enter the new user's email address and name

  4. Click the Save button

Note: If your account does not have enough user licenses to accommodate this new user being added, a user license will automatically be added to your subscription.

Deactivating Users

In order to deactivate a user to your account, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Access

  2. Click on the More Options icon in the Actions column, next to the user that you would like to deactivate

  3. Choose the option to Deactivate User

Note: Deactivating a user will prevent them from logging into Docketwise. You will still retain their logs and any data that they've added to Docketwise so that you can continue accessing it.

Additionally, when a user is deactivated, a user license will still be in use. If you wish to vacate a user license, the user will have to be deleted.

Reactivating a User

In order to reactivate a user to your account, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Access

  2. Click on the More Options icon in the Actions column, next to the user that you would like to reactivate

  3. Choose the option to Activate User

Removing a User

In order to remove a user from your account, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Access

  2. Click on the More Options icon in the Actions column, next to the user that you would like to remove

  3. Choose the option to Deactivate User

  4. Once the user has been deactivated, click on the More Options icon again

  5. Choose the option to Delete User

Note: Deleting a user will permanently remove that user from your Docketwise account.

Upon user deletion, firm feed logs generated by that user are removed. While the user's created resources are retained, their assignments will be removed, with certain exceptions.

The deleted users' information will be retained for the following locations:

  1. Matters (Assignee Values & Assignee Filters in the Matters Index)

  2. Notes (Creator, Assignee Values, & Assignee Filters in the Notes Index

  3. Events (Staff Calendar Selector & Attendee Values)

❗ If the user license will no longer be needed, you can update your number of user licenses to reflect your current number of total users.

Changing a User's Name and Email Address

In order to edit a user's name and/or email address, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Access

  2. Click on the More Options icon in the Actions column, next to the user that you would like to edit

  3. Choose the option to Edit User

  4. Enter the desired Name and Email address of the user

  5. Click the Save Changes button

Note: If you wish to update/change the password of a firm member, you will need to change their email address to an account to which you have access and request an email password reset be sent (from the Docketwise log-in screen).

Managing Permissions

The permissions that can be specified for each user within User Access are:

  • Global Permissions:

    • Ability to delete firm records

    • Ability to export firm records

    • Ability to archive firm records

    • Ability to reassign firm records to other firm members

  • Invoice Permissions: Specify access to Invoices (viewing/creating/editing/deleting)

  • Note Permissions: Specify access to Notes (viewing/creating/editing/deleting)

  • Financial Data Permissions: Specify access to any financial information (viewing/creating/editing/deleting)

  • Form Permissions: Specify access to Forms (viewing/creating/editing/deleting)

  • Contact Permissions: Specify access to Contacts (viewing/creating/editing/deleting)

  • Matter Permissions: Specify access to Matters (viewing/creating/editing/deleting)

  • Task Permissions: Specify access to Tasks (viewing/creating/editing/deleting)

  • File Permissions: Specify access to Files (viewing/creating/editing/deleting)

  • Message Permissions: Specify access to Messages (viewing/creating/editing/deleting)

  • Event Permissions: Specify access to Events (viewing/creating/editing/deleting)

  • Lead Permissions: Specify access to Leads (viewing/creating/editing/deleting)

In order to manage permissions for a specific user on the account, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Access

  2. Click on the More Options icon in the Actions column, next to the user that you would like to edit

  3. Choose the option to Edit User

  4. Specify the desired permissions for the user

  5. Click the Save Changes button

Manage Access to Firm Settings

Access to Firm settings may be limited by the admin user on the account. Depending on the selected setting, other non-admin users will have the following access:

  • Limited Access: If the option is checked, non-admin users may access all Firm Settings options except Subscription, Beta Access, and User Group Settings.

  • No Access: If the option is unchecked, non-admin users may not access and Firm Settings options.

In order to manage access to firm settings, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Access

  2. Either check or uncheck the checkbox next to Allow all firm users to access Firm settings depending on whether you want non-firm users to have Limited Access or No Access to the Firm Settings.


  • Any changes will be saved and updated automatically.

  • This box is checked by default and will need to be updated to restrict access.

Designating Additional Account Admins

Docketwise Advanced subscribers are able to indicate additional Account Admins on their Docketwise account, granting those specified users the same abilities as the Owner of the account.

In order to grant Admin permissions to another user, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Access

  2. Click on the More Options icon in the Actions column, next to the user to whom you would like to grant Admin permissions

  3. Choose the option to Edit User

  4. Choose Administrator under Permission Level

  5. Click the Save Changes button

Designating a User's Branch

Docketwise Advanced subscribers are able to indicate the branch of each specific user, which can be used for purposes of reporting and filtering resources by the firm's specific branch. Please click here if you are interested in learning about using branches in Docketwise.

In order to designate the branch of a specific user, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Access

  2. Click on the More Options icon in the Actions column, next to the user whose branch you would like to specify

  3. Choose the option to Edit User

  4. Select the branch to which you would like the user to belong

  5. Click the Save Changes button

Note: The Owner of the firm is not able to be assigned to a specific branch of the firm.

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