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Archiving Contacts

You can utilize the Archive feature to help keep track of your most relevant contacts.

Updated over 9 months ago

With Docketwise you can utilize the Archive feature to help keep track of your most relevant contacts and archive/hide the ones that are no longer relevant.

First, you'll want to navigate over to the Contacts dashboard, located on the left of your screen, or by following this link. Here you can utilize the search bar located in the top-right if you need help finding a specific contact.

Archiving a Contact or multiple Contacts:

  1. For all of the contacts you would like to archive, you need to check the box to the left of each contact.

  2. After selecting all of the contacts that you would like to archive, simply click the "Bulk Actions ▼" button.

  3. From the available options, select the "Archive the Contact(s)" option.

  4. Once selected, your contact(s) will be archived.

  5. To view archived contacts, simply click the "Primary Contacts ▼" button and click on the "Archived Contacts" option as shown in the video below.

Un-archiving a Contact or multiple Contacts:

  1. First, you'll want to navigate to your Archived Contacts. You can get to archived contacts by accessing the Contacts Dashboard and simply clicking the "Primary Contacts ▼" button and clicking on the "Archived Contacts" option.

  2. For all of the contacts you would like to un-archive, you need to check the box to the left of each contact.

  3. After selecting all of the contacts that you would like to un-archive, simply click the "Bulk Actions ▼" button.

  4. From the available options, select the "Unarchive the Contact(s)" option.

  5. Once selected, your contact(s) will be set to active.

  6. You can go back to all your contacts or primary contacts by clicking the "Primary Contacts ▼" button and selecting the option you want to view.

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