There are two types of invoices in Docketwise: trust requests and bills. In order to create a bill:
Click "Create New" and select Invoice
In the New Invoice form, assign a client and a matter to your invoice and click "Create Invoice"
Once you are inside the Invoice Builder, you can add charges for services and expenses to your invoice and share it by printing or emailing it to your client with reminders to pay
Once your client has paid an invoice, mark it as paid by clicking Record Payment. You will be asked for:
Payment Type: This is either a direct payment (e.g. cash, check, etc.), Credit Card, eCheck, or Trust Transfer
Destination Account: Any operating account that you have added to Docketwise. You can manage Trust and Operating Accounts from your Account Settings
Payment Date
Payment Amount
Description (optional)
Once a bill's balance has been reduced to zero, the client will no longer receive reminders and the bill will be moved to your Paid Invoices tab. You can track payments and the remaining balance of the client's trust from the client's page.
For a fuller understanding of billing clients in Docketwise, please watch the following short video and read the following articles: